Friday, May 23, 2003

Women at top would prevent corporate calamity, says expert

Yes, I firmly back this conclusion of “expert” Mark Holden, but for reasons quite different to his own.

First, though, is the matter of Mr Holden’s expertise, as a self-described 45 y.o. “business development consultant”. This translates, I’m pretty sure, as an un- or marginally-employed baby boomer who has been urged and goaded to make something up (“about anything, godammit!”), and then put out a press release about it. Good on you for getting up off the couch and the rest of it, Mark, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the idea wasn’t entirely your own.

Which brings me on to the main point – having women at top could indeed prevent all manner of corporate disasters. This is because whenever there is a mediocre man wielding too much power and influence, there is invariably a strong woman behind him, holding the titles to the couple’s several properties in her name alone.

Jodee Rich’s wife Maxine is just one example – if the boys’ network had but let her play in the big cubby-house at OneTel, then it all might have ended so differently, given that the couple’s personal wealth would have then been on the line because of Maxine’s personal liability.

Yep, sometimes you’ve got to hand it to women’s superior “co-operative and teamwork skills” – by NOT being at the helm, or anywhere near it, when their husbands go down, apparently penniless. Now that’s what I call “leadership”.

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